The best way to purchase male enhancement supplements is by consult to your physician.
Let your doctor diagnose your condition and prescribe suitable medicine for you.
However, over the counter male enhancement today is available in wide range of selections.
There are many types of these products on the market including topical creams, pills, and gels.
If you understand the specification of a product including its benefits and side effects, then there is nothing wrong to purchase directly to nearby drug store or the internet.
However, keep in mind that many over-the-counter products have not been properly tested.
Below are a couple of products that can be purchased without a prescription:
Gels and Lubricants
The ads for these products claim that gels and creams can give you the result instantly. In fact, some of products like Prosolution Gel claim to start acting in 30 seconds, and the result are firmer and longer lasting erections than usual.
It is quite easy to buy these products. You can even get it from the internet from hundreds online store and delivered straight to your door for extra convenience and privacy.
Pills Supplements
The reason many men are turning to these products is that the natural extracts have been used for centuries as traditional medicine, and now have been proven to be effective in medical trials.
These supplements work by increasing blood circulation inside the chambers of penis, as a result, your penis becomes thicker, stronger, fuller and longer lasting erections for better intercourse experience, and of course, you have a better chance to satisfy your partner more fully sexually on bed.
There are still many of over-the-counter male enhancement products that available in the market. As a customer, we need to be realistic about the results you are going to gain. When you meet a product that offer immediate result, then you should cautious about it, because you mostly you are not going to increase your penis size by 2 inches in 3 weeks. Any product that claims such results should be immediately discarded.
To get the result you want, you should also make a decision whether to you want to purchase a pill, cream, gel or penile extender. This is very important to determine whether you succeed or fail with the treatment. Just do not get fooled by advertising campaigns and use your common sense to finding an over the counter male enhancement product that works.