All of your hard work to add the size of your penis will be useless if the result is not permanent.
Therefore, before you take the step to start the treatment, it is better for you to do a quick research about it, including for the advantages and side effects.
Usually, you can get the review from a particular product on the internet. However, you need to go to trusty source or you will only find other advertising words.
You can join to internet forums that discuss on this topic and create a post, to ask any permanent penis enlargement that have been successfully proven by members there.
By this, you can choose the right method that gives you a permanent increase in penis size.
Facts of Permanent Penis Enlargement
Penis pumps are probably the most popular treatment which is widely used among men for instant result. However, if you look closely for how it is work, you will find out that penis pumps are only good for short term purpose. You can use these equipments minutes before the intercourse to achieve optimum size.
This is because, when you pump, more blood flow to the Corpora Cavernosa channels, and as a result, your penis looks enlarged due to more blood flow in within your penis. Then, a few minutes the extra blood is drawn out, and your penis back to its normal size.
So, is it possible to add the capacity of the Corpora Cavernosa channels permanently? Absolutely, science gives solution for this problem and there are many treatments are available in the market today. One successful method is by exercise your penis in order to increase its size.
Penis is just like other organs in your body; it can grow by exercise and proper diet. When you apply a continuous traction on it, the cell tissues there will adapt by divide and multiply.
As a result, the organ increases in size. However, this exercise should be conducted regularly and of course by the right movements. In particularly penis enlargement exercise, massage it gently with hands by moving upwards to the head of your penis frequently for 3-5 minutes, can improve the size of the penis in a small time. This exercise is also known as jelqing; you can find further details of this method on this site.
Many men have confessed that the result for this treatment is permanent.