There are hundreds of male enhancement products today that offer instant result to increase the penis size.
Unfortunately, most of them have not been scientifically proven to work, or even worse, many of pills supplements have not been approved by FDA.
However, these products are so appealing that most men who want to have bigger penis could not resisted. As a customer, we have to choose selectively due to prevent serious damage to the penis, and simply wasting money and time.
So, before you take action to purchasing one of these products. You should ask to yourself, does male enhancement work? Is it just a giant scam to steal customers’ money?
The Truth of Does Male Enhancement Work?
Let’s take a look into one of popular male enhancement products, the extender. This equipment is to pull the head of the penis forward. The expected result is the penis become longer due to the traction mechanism stimulate cell growth and eventually increase the length of your penis size by inches.
However, it is not adding the thickness which makes your penis thinner. To achieve a better result, you should combine with another treatment like manual exercise by hands, or it is known as Jelqing.
The most expensive penis enlargement is probably surgery or implant. However, until today, this procedure is still in controversy. The surgery is involving cutting the main ligament then attaching the penis to the pelvic bone, as a result, the penis is hanging down further than before. However, your penis will only half an inch longer than before the surgery.
You need to ask yourself, does this is worth with all the risks to damage your penis and expensive cost.
So, let’s get back to the question, does male enhancement work? Well, many people have proven to themselves that some of the product has the capability to enlarge penis size. Diet and exercise combined, with supplements to stimulate sexual hormone are the most recommended treatments.
To help you for the effective exercise, there is some equipment which is designed to give specific movement safely to stimulate the penis. It is also known as a traction device that works by stretching the chambers of your penis so that they can accommodate more blood than the normal condition.
Usually, the result by this method is permanent and also increasing the stamina as well as achieves long lasting erection.
Hopefully brief description above give you better understanding for male enhancement products work.