We have discussed here different kinds of male enhancement products from pills to the extender.
You also have probably heard about it all over TV and have received spammed emails telling you to buy male enhancement pills.
In the end, it is entirely your decision to use those enhancers or try for something more natural which is by healthy lifestyle, in particularly, by consuming natural male enhancement foods.
Scientists have discovered a direct correlation between your sexual performances, including the size of your penis, with your diet. After all, these foods have passed on trough generations before us.
Top 5 of Natural Male Enhancement Foods
1. Oyster
Raw oysters have been proven, as an effective food to increase your sexual stamina. That is because, oyster contain a hormone named as dopamine which is stimulate your body to increase your libido.
There is also high zinc content that plays an important role to produce testosterone, as we all know it is the most critical hormone regarding to male sexual functions. Zinc is also needed to build up sperm. To get the most benefits of oysters, they should be serves in raw, due to keep the essential nutrition.
2. Bananas
Banana also works as a natural male enhancement food because it has the bromelain enzyme. Many studies have revealed the benefit of this enzyme, which is one of them, is to reverses and prevents impotence as well as increases libido.
Potassium in the banana also works to enhance energy by removes your body of excess sodium and allows your heart to work easier, so your stamina is increased.
3. Garlic
Garlic has been used as one of ingredient of pills or sexual supplements due to its benefit to promote blood flow to the sexual organs. As a result, you will have strong and long lasting erection.
4. Whole Grains
The reason why whole grain foods and beans are great to improve sexual stamina is because the thiamine in these foods. It works by stimulating sexual nervous system including the orgasmic and sensual feelings. You will feel sexual experience like never before while your penis, nipples, lips and tongue being bombarded with sensual stimulation.
5. Salmon, Fish and Other Omega Rich Foods
Fish is also another resource of sexual supplement due to omega 3 in it. By consuming lots of fish including the oil fish, seems to increase your sexual performance as well as to achieve better erection.
However, the result cannot be obtained in overnight, but in combination with natural enhancement exercise, you can increase the size of your penis.