Looking the right penis enlargement method is not easy as it seems?.
Usually we search for information on the internet. Unfortunately, most of it is misinformation, stemming from products, to lead potential customers to purchase.
It is not easy to distinguish between the truth about penis enlargement article, and advertising words that would only give you nice information regarding to the products they want to sell.
First, you need to know the basic rule about penis enlargement. Some treatments are truly working to add size the penis while others are just selling a dream.
A magic method that offers instant result, usually they are working only in a short term or even do not work at all.
Truth about Penis Enlargement is Finally Revealed
Before we go further, you should understand about the penis anatomy. Basically, there are main three chambers in it.
When you get sexual stimulation, these chambers fill with blood and your penis start to erect. The main purpose for penis enlargement method that works permanently is by increase the volume of the chambers.
The following are several characteristic of penis enlargement methods in the market and how their work.
– Pills
These supplements work by increasing blood flow to your penis; as a result, you will have long lasting erection that usual. However, they are not increasing the size of the inner chambers so practically; your penis will stays in its original size.
– Pumps
By using pumps, you create vacuum condition around the penis, without any increase of the chamber size; the only thing that happen is the blood vessels expands outward. Many cases have reported that is using pumps in a long term can seriously cause internal bleeding, and even tissue death resulting in removal of parts of the penis.
This devices work by pull the tissue of your penis laterally, which makes the chambers may expand lengthwise. However, it only increase the length of your penis, and not the thick; thus your penis will look thinner.
– Surgery
Increase the chamber size by adding tissue onto it. But the surgery is a high risk procedure that often goes wrong, and the cost is very expensive.
As you can see above, each treatment offers different advantages and shortfall. It is necessary to learn thoroughly for those techniques. You should also consult to a physician to have a better understanding and find the Truth about Penis Enlargement.