Does Jelqing Work? Reveal the Answer Here

Does Jelqing Work

Growing a bigger and strong penis is the dream of a lot of men.

It is in the fact that a lot of guys are not happy with their penis size, as it can decrease their confident and most importantly they cannot satisfy their sexual partner.

Therefore, these men are struggling to increase their penis size and want more. Jelqing technique has been told, as an effective way to get bigger penis than before.

However, before you jump to start the work out, you actually need to make sure that this technique truly gives real result, so, does jelqing work?

Well, many men have tried this method, and indeed, they have made their dream com true by elongate their penis permanently.

What is Jelqing?

To give you better understanding of what actually a jelqing is, here is a brief description about it.

Jelqing is known as a way to workout the penis manually to accelerate the blood flowing ahead inside the vessel of penis, of what it normally gets during a normal erection.

The expected outcome is to have a hardy, thick and long lasting erection. This is happening due to the blood flow fuel up the growth of fresh tissues, therefore, enlarging the length and thickness of your penis.

The following are some facts relating with jelqing technique that you should know to have optimum result.

The Perfect Time for Jelqing

Many men who decide to jelqing are wondering, does it work better in the morning or evening?

First of all, you need to understand that the best time for the penis exercise is when your physic and mental is prepared.

Every person has own “perfect time” to jelqing depend on their daily schedules and body condition. To start the exercise, you have to be in relaxing condition, away from stress and physically you want your body to be activated and woken up.

Therefore, commonly jelqing in the morning is not the best time to obtain optimal results. Of course, some individuals may find different conditions and experience the “morning wood”, which is a state of penis that is in a fully erectile condition.

Thus, you can begin your exercise in the morning, as long as you could relax for a few minutes, and simmer your erection a little more to a semi-erect state which is the exact state which the jelqing technique should be performed.

Another perfect time for jelqs, is in the shower, especially in the morning, so you can easily cleaning up when it is done. Of course, you will need a few extra minutes in the shower.
