Jelqing is one of manual exercise technique that has been used to extend the penis size by increase blood pressure in the penis.
It is a natural way because it only uses hand exercise to massage and specific movements to stimulate muscle without drugs and have no side effects. The result for this treatment is usually permanent.
However, to achieve optimum result, one should do the exercise regularly 10 to 15 minutes a day and four times a week. Jelqing works by encourage and promote the spongy tissue in the penis to reach the maximum erect size of penis.
How to do Jelqing Technique
Each session of exercise consists of 2 steps warm up and jelqing steps.
Jelqing Warm up Steps
Many people skip this procedure take make them suffering injury and do not get the best result. It is necessary to take warm up properly before exercises. It is only need 3 – 5 minutes to prepare your penis before it is loaded with the hard work
Here are simple steps to warming up:
1. Prepare a bowl of warm water and a soft cloth.
2. Wrap your penis with the cloth for 3 – 5 minutes.
3. Remove the cloth and dry it with a clean one.
Jelqing Steps
It is necessary for you to do this step slowly and gently. This session requires 10 – 20 minutes.
1. Pour some of massage oil or therapy lotion on your hand, do not use soap as it tends to dry quickly. The make a sign “OK” by that hand.
2. Wrap your hand around the underside of the penis shaft as close your scrotum as possible, and then pull down until you reach the head and hold it for 3 seconds.
3. Repeat step 2 again by using the other hand.
You should do the above procedures at least 200-300 strokes per session of exercise until you reach the size of penis that you want.
Keep in mind to stay relax during the work out and enjoy the process.
In average, the result you may achieve by this exercise is to grow your penis one inch bigger after the 2-4 month range.
Of course, the exercise should be conducted consistently and has been following a good, proven routine and is not just winging it. However, the result for an individual may vary depends on the many factors including the penis condition and hormone of each person.