When you are thinking about how to get a big penis, you might directly think about surgery and also medication that you have to take regularly for a quite long time.
Both options that you are thinking about are not in fact that good to choose. First of all, the surgery is too scary because your penis will be cut in such a way.
Moreover, it will also not be easy for you to pass the recovery process after the surgery is done because some pain will surely be experience.
The second option is not that recommended also because nowadays, there are to make fake penis enlargement medicines can be found. Taking one of them is surely risky for your health. So, what should you do then? Let us find out about that more.
Exercises to Get a Big Penis
You might not hear about this before but it is true that there are some exercises which are designed to make the size of penis to be bigger. It is great that some of the exercises can be done without any tools at all.
Those kind of exercises are surely the ones which are not only safe to do, but also economical since there is no need for you to take some money out to buy anything. The first example of exercises that you should try to make the size of your penis bigger is called as Jelqing.
Other than that, you may also try an exercise which name is Kegel. If you are a kind of person who believes that safe penis enlargement process is better to be done by using so tools, it is surely fine but you have to be ready to pay for it of course. Here, you can use a kind of penis extender if you want to.
Tips to Get a Big Penis
If you already choose one from some ways mentioned earlier, there are still some other things that you have to do so that you can get a bigger penis effectively. The first thing that you have to do is of course do the exercise you chose regularly.
The more often you do the exercise is the bigger the chance for you to get big size penis soon. Other than that, please do not hope that you will get instant result because it is quite impossible. The exercise that you do is not a surgery that will directly give you the result you want.