Male enhancement industry in particularly penis enlargement treatments is a huge market with so may people involved. Therefore, you can find easily products with various names on the internet try to grab the opportunity by selling their products.
Sometimes, they are using inappropriate methods such as email spamming and unreliable information that lead you to purchase it.
Therefore in this article, you will find some interesting penis enlargement facts, to give your better understanding of penis anatomy and enlargement techniques.
1. Penis does not contain skeletal muscle as biceps or triceps, but it is made of 50% smooth-muscle which can also bigger by routines exercises.
2. Penis enlargement pills cannot instantly make penis bigger, but these pills whether chemical and herbal improve blood circulation, and eventually help penis to have strong and long term erection. However, scientists keep struggling to find pills with fast result.
3. Basic principle of penis enlargement exercise by hand, pumps or other equipments are to expand the Corpora Cavernosa, which is the chamber that holds blood during an erection.
4. Some stretching devices in the market work by make your penis longer, but eventually also make your penis thinner. Therefore, you need to read for the features and side effects to each equipment carefully.
5. By consistent and proper exercise in a daily basis, a man can achieve bigger penis for 2 to 3 inches while persistent and more serious attempt may reach 5.25 inches.
6. Penis can also be enlarged by medical surgery or also known as Phalloplasty. However, the maximum increase in penis size you can expect is couples of inches. In fact, a survey has shown that most men who had surgery are not happy with the results that they have received.
7. Jelqing technique is the most popular manual exercise by hands. Many men have successfully increased the size of their manhood by jelq every day, which will take no longer than five minutes. The result can be seen in 2 to 3 months depend on the exercises intensity.
Hopefully, some information about penis enlargement facts above can help you to find the right treatment to increase the size of your penis by less side effects and no harm to your health. You should also consult to your physician for safety and resolve best option for your.